Smart Locks vs Traditional Locks Which Offers More Security

October 10, 2022


When it comes to securing our homes and offices, locks play a crucial role. Although traditional locks have been in use for centuries, the emergence of smart city technology has brought smart locks to the forefront. The question is, do smart locks offer better security than traditional locks? In this blog post, we'll provide an unbiased comparison between smart locks and traditional locks, including the numbers and references cited.

Traditional Locks

Traditional locks have been around for centuries and are still the most common type of locks used today. These locks use a physical key to open and close the lock. The most common types of traditional locks are pin tumbler locks and lever locks.

Pin tumbler locks are the most commonly used locks worldwide. They contain a cylinder that houses pins of different lengths. When a key is inserted, it lifts the pins to the correct height, allowing the lock to turn and open.

Lever locks, on the other hand, are commonly used in commercial buildings. They contain a set of levers that need to be lifted to a specific height for the lock to turn and open.

Although traditional locks have been in use for centuries, they are not completely infallible. They can be picked, bumped, or drilled, giving intruders access to your property.

Smart Locks

Smart locks are a more recent invention, and they use technology to provide enhanced security features. These locks come in various types, including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and NFC locks.

Bluetooth locks are the most commonly used smart locks. They use the Bluetooth technology to connect your phone to your lock, making it easier to open and close your lock. Wi-Fi locks, on the other hand, are more sophisticated and can be controlled remotely via a smartphone app or a web browser.

Smart locks offer several benefits over traditional locks. They can be programmed to detect when you are near, allowing you to unlock the door without having to take out your keys. They can also be programmed to give temporary access to guests, handymen, and delivery men.

Which Offers More Security?

When it comes to security, smart locks and traditional locks both have their pros and cons. While traditional locks can be tampered with, smart locks can be hacked or suffer from technical glitches. However, smart locks come with additional security features such as access logs and remote access control, which traditional locks lack.

In summary, both types of locks have their benefits and drawbacks. Before deciding which type of lock to install, it is important to consider your unique security needs and budget.


  • "How Locks Work." HowStuffWorks, 6 Nov. 2007,
  • Tulloch, Shaun. "Traditional Locks vs. Smart Locks: The Key Differences". TechRadar, 20 Jul. 2022,

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